Every year, the MOMElove club and the Motion Media Design department at SCAD put on the largest student-run motion conference, CoMotion. For the last 15 years, this has been a spectacle and a fantastic opportunity for companies and students to network and learn from each other. Each year, the students pitch ideas for the overall branding and title sequence. The winner of this pitch takes on the role of Art/Creative Director of their branding team.

This year, my friend Lauren Neu and I created "Rebellion to Revelations." Although we did not win, we are so proud of what we created and are happy to share that this was an extremely close vote. It would be a shame not to share our process with you all.
Potential Email Banner
Our concept relied on Art and Design past, present, and future. Our goal was to make a brand identity and theme that captured the artistic movements and rebellions that brought us to where we are today and continue to propel us into the future. With each scene, our voice develops eventually becoming a motion graphics piece we have never seen before.

Our hopes were to inspire growth and be inspired by our collective journey; matching the general theme of "Make Your Mark!"
Pitch Deck​​​​​​​
Styleframes (6/9)
These are the frames I worked most on. I utilized my illustrative and design backgrounds to achieve the overall feel of each of the scenes. These can easily be transferred and adjusted to be different mediums (ie: 3D, cell animation, After Effects, etc.)
Childlike wonder -- abstraction
Childlike wonder -- abstraction
Development of language -- Prehistoric Art
Development of language -- Prehistoric Art
Refinement -- Impressionism and Realism
Refinement -- Impressionism and Realism
Geometry and Mathematics -- Renaissance
Geometry and Mathematics -- Renaissance
Rebellion and Mystique -- Surrealism
Rebellion and Mystique -- Surrealism
Enlightenment -- Color
Enlightenment -- Color
Creative Director, Designer, Concept Development: Lauren Neu
Art Director, Designer, Concept Development: Caitlin Crooker​​​​​​​
Special Thanks:
Peter Wang, Dominique Elliot, Brandon Sugiyama, John Collette, and Minho Shin

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